Social app for refugees and locals translates in real-time | Springwise

Instead of complaining or worse using the refugees as a politcal chip, Swedish programmers have created a utility mobile app that works to alleviate some of the frustrations of being in a foreign land.

The developers say the app aims to break down social and language barriers between Swedes and refugees. Welcome! is translated into Arabic, Persian, Swedish and English, and it enables users to create, host and join activities, as well as ask questions of locals, chat with new contacts, and browse events that are nearby.

Source: Social app for refugees and locals translates in real-time | Springwise

What’s on my radar this week


– From MediaPost: “Tablets have become the mobile device choice for consumers shopping online. Those using tablets treat them like a PC, comparing products and making purchases.” Read on at MediaPost

– The pealing of the bells for the death of QR codes has been in our ears for some time but this article sums it up well with some compelling numbers. Here at Mobile Marketer.


Bondsy. Tipped by a buddy of mine in SF, its a friendly social network for friendly transactions and trades. Very clean and intuitive UI/UX.  Worth a peep.

Tempo. A feature on this app is a smart calendar that unites all of your smartphone events and info across some 30 data point.  In short, its wicked, wicked cool. The UI/UX is fun and flexible with a lot of thought and planning to an adaptive interface. Pick it up!


Holydrug Couple played recently at SWSX and killed it. Their name is f*cked up but their music makes up for a very fresh take on psychedelic rock. Listen here.

Alec Baldwin interviews Tom York from Radiohead for Baldwin’s show, ‘Here’s the Thing.’ I love this show because Baldwin can coax his subjects to just relax and talk. Listen here via Pitchfork.

What I am reading this week.

Digital Shopper Marketing

Digby Localpoint Storefront: a tool that can be layered on to you app that enables geo-fencing technology to deliver analyitics for local retailers. Geeky but potentially very powerful.

The Impulse Economy:  an interview from’ Rob Woodridge with the author and digerati, Gary Schwartz. The premise of the book is is that if you aren’t driving revenue or deeper customer engagement through mobile, you shouldn’t be doing it.


Mobile Apps and Start-ups

Chute: an API that lets developers and content producers easily manage and enhance their photo capabilities on multiple platforms.  If your startup app is based on photo or photo sharing, this API will cut your development time in half.

Chaotic Moon Lab’s Board of Imangination:  Take a Samsung Windows 8 tablet, add a motorized long board and an integrated Emotiv EPOC headset is worn by the rider and translates their brain waves into actions.  What the f-uck!  Just watch the video below and try not to drool at the sheer creativity behind this experiement. 



I Mean, Like, Duh! U.S. Teen Mobile Data Usage Triples


This Nielson study, lovingly regurgitated by Mashable and its legion of re-tweeters, totally points the way for marketers as to where teens skulk digitally. The more the 13-17 bracket adopt smartphones, the more data they are going to consume. When you create your next trans-media campaign, remember the mix: text is queen, followed by surfing, social networking, emailing, downloading and using apps. As if!

Clay Christensen on What the Consumer Wants via GIGAOM

Focus on what matters the most: helping your customers get the job done. The professor pointed out that most people tend to focus on the wrong things, especially in the fast changing world of technology. Christensen argued that when companies make products that help make everyday stuff easier and get the job of life (or work) done, in the end customers don’t need any persuasion. That is precisely why a company like Apple can find buyers for its products so much more easily. Christensen pointed out the fundamental insight Steve Jobs had was that he focused on the “job.”

Narian unveils suite of NFC apps for retailers • NFC World

The applications go far beyond simple couponing and loyalty, driving consumer interaction at the most critical contact point — in the store,” the company explains. “Overall, the suite offers more than 100 unique features and capabilities, all meant to bring about the store of the future — today.

Very nice. An NFC tool box for retailers to energize in-store marketing and customer service.

iOS developers targeted over in-app purchase patent infringement – FierceDeveloper

The Guardian reports Apple is “actively investigating” Lodsys’s claims. In the meantime, the blogosphere has rallied in support of the iOS developers in the Lodsys crosshairs. “Lodsys is trying to abuse the patent system in a way that could ultimately destroy the entire mobile apps economy, which is not only thriving on its own but has been and continues to be a key factor in making new mobile devices so useful and popular, to the benefit of corporations and consumers alike,” writes intellectual property activist Florian Mueller on his blog.

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