How to Design a Large Scale Responsive Site | UX Booth

In 2011, Elaine McVicar wrote an article describing the process of designing one of the first complex responsive sites. Now that the concept is no longer in its infancy, we’re taking another look at how to redesign a large scale responsive site.

Source: How to Design a Large Scale Responsive Site | UX Booth

Avoiding Hard-to-Answer Questions in User Interviews

User Interviews and their cousins the Focus Groups share a few traits across their disciplines. The chief trait is the moderator’s role with the interviewees. This article expertly breaks down the tenants of this relationship via the UX-side. Interestingly, observation is the most successful indicator. The author notes that, “put more emphasis on observing what people actually do rather than on what they say.”

Observing participants in their own context lets them show you exactly what they normally do.

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