Skeletons, saccades and ballistic eye movement

Ultimately, learning the distinction between typesetting for web sites and web applications is of lesser importance than mastering the basic principles of good typography.

Great article on typography and user interface design. Highlights include well-structured skeletons, saccades and the difference between content-driven sites and task-oriented web apps.

What I am reading this week.

Mobile Applications & Technology

Using their SimpleGeo aquisition technology, Urban Airship is now allowing push notifications to trigger based on what, when, and where

Good article from Mobile Marketer on how agencies should fold mobile strategy into their offering for brand clients.  You can always make a good argument for new media and new technology but what it comes down to is trust and confidence from your client.


Design & Typography

The REDCAT poster series from the peeps over at CalArts.  Great template and it offers the ability for infinite collaboration and change. 6 years and over 175 posters, so have a look.


What I love about TypeFight is that its just what it is, a type fight.  Two designers, one letter.



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