An advertising agency is making light of air pollution in China | Springwise

This is fucking genius.  Anytime you gamify a product, you create stickiness.  A Chinese advertising agency has partnered with pollution a mask manufacture to gamify the process of checking pollution levels, offering bigger discounts to the worst affected.

Source: An advertising agency is making light of air pollution in China | Springwise

What I am reading this week.

Geek stuff

Google has revamped its search formula and folded in semantics to provide more relevant search results.  This will, in turn, up-end every single website in the known universe.  Brace yourselves.

A gamifacation stat from SXSWi “When Keas switched their health behavior-change site to a gamified approach, their user engagement rose 100x”  Whaaaa?  Dig in more here to find out why game theory and web design go hand in hand.


Design stuff

I was turning my designers on to the Japanese design aesthetic from the early 70’s and found load of great inspiration around the web.  Great examples can be found here, here  and here.

Saul Bass created a video in 1969 as a way to present the new brand identity to Bell labs. While it clocks in at 27 minutes, it is impressive and shows off his talent as a storyteller. 


A Website.

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